
S&A industrial chiller for cooling mixer

Two weeks ago, I received a phone from a customer, he said that want to purchase a chiller for cooling mixer.
In the communication with the customer, I understand that the mixer running in a bad environment. Especially in summer, the mixer products amount of heat during operation, people can’t bear operating the temperature control of the machine stay in the room. According the requirement of the customer, I recommend the S&A industrial chiller CW-6300 to the customer. Its biggest characteristic is can as far as 200meters remote control the water temperature of the machine without high temperature environment.
Besides, the customer expressed that the high precision temperature control(±1),high lift(58-53meters) and large water flow(70-116L/m) and other performances of the S&A chiller CW-6300 are able to meet the cooling demands of the mixer, so he brightly signed the purchase contract with us.
Chiller CW-6300 details:http://www.teyuchiller.com/Products/ChillerCW63008500Wco.html
SKYPE: teyuchiller

