
How to carry out routine maintenance of S&A chiller for higher working efficiency

Being worried about the selection of the chiller for cooling the nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, Manager Liang called 400-600-2093 forward to 1 to contact Xiao Te. Based on the information LIang provided, S&A recommended S&A thermal chiller for cooling the nuclear magnetic resonance equipment. S&A CW-3000 chiller, with the heat dissipation capacity of 50W/℃ and flowing water alarm and ultra-high temperature alarm systems, is characterized by its higher efficiency and energy saving, longer life, simple operation, etc.
Chiller is mainly used to cool the components of the nuclear magnetic resonance equipment during operation. Liang said that higher stability and reliability of water-cooling equipment is necessary. In order to achieve these goals, the maintenance of the chiller is particularly important. Thus, the following routine maintenance are necessary: (1) Regular replacement of circulating cooling water (under normal circumstances, in excellent environment, such as laboratory or independent air-conditioned room, the water of the chiller can be recycled per six months or one year); (2) regular dust cleaning of the air filter and condenser of the chiller. Then the cooling effect of the chiller is supposed to be improved, and its life can also be extended.
The technical prameter of CW-3000: http://www.teyuchiller.com/Products/ChillerCW300050Wradi.html
How to carry out routine maintenance of S&A chiller for higher working efficiencyCONTACT S&A
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